Adults in the Room

As I take in today’s news…not that any sane person can ‘take in’ war carnage in America’s capital of fun and gambling and general tackiness. Never mind about Las Vegas. It is what it is, and laughing at the place is like blaming the victim.

Anyway, as the facts stagger across the screen…a few things also stagger into focus. One is that guns are a deep and powerful part of the American myth. Which, in a society so riven by class and education, means that a good two thirds of the populace cannot grasp the concept of myth. And the remainder may get the general idea, but can’t envision an alternative.

And all I can feel is sad. Party sad because it will happen again. And sad because the gun mythology has taken hold like Prester John. The Christian king from the mysterious and uncharted east. The guy everyone was waiting for. To do something. Set the holy land free. Set every one free. Trust me, someone said, he’s out there.

Even worse than today’s carnage is the annual death toll from shootings in America. Which equals, in a country full of motorways and cars, the annual fatalities on the roads. In an era of fake news, you can count on all sorts of fringe theories to take root, take hold and soon take over…all accounts of what really happened. ISIS will be to blame. Or it was all staged by the Democrats. Obama ordered it before he left office. And so on.

In other words, we have millions of people, generally men, who are as addicted to guns as many are to alcohol or opioids or Fox News. It’s like a drug high. A quick burst of neuropeptides every time you touch your piece. Don’t tread on me. I’m armed. In other words, keep these people buying guns. And keep them away from the voting booth where they could do some real harm.

I wonder how many spinal cord injuries occurred today. There were many. Trust me. I thought of getting in touch as soon as possible to talk to people. Is this a good idea? Or a powerless idea from a powerless guy?

And is it not possible to appeal to the adults in the nation? To suggest that for every ‘right’ there is also responsibility? And doesn’t the latter increase with the fire power of the weapon?

It’s hard to know what to do with people who believe that they can fend off Washington with their guns. After all, this is the national fantasy. There must be some adults in the room. Or maybe not.

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