
Ours, we are told repeatedly, is a consumer society. And if this is true, and obviously it is, what is a sane person to do? That is to say, being a sane person (supposedly) how do I not fall into the collective attitudinal trap? I refer, of course, to COVID-19. As we all know, the Delta variant has undermined whatever optimism the collective had. Now we have to face unpleasant facts. And frankly, no one is having a harder time than I am. Really, I have things to do. Things to enjoy. Does this Read more [...]

La Santaneca

The papusa place, we called it. Particularly my siblings. Whenever they came to visit, we often headed to the Nicaraguan restaurant on Mission Street. Papusas are stuffed cakes made with sweet corn flour. The stuffing includes cheese, pork or an edible central American flower. Naturally, everything comes with the standard regional accompaniment, rice and beans. Not to mention cerveza. But there’s more. The restaurant is run by a family. In an era in which San Francisco has become terribly haute, Read more [...]

Low River

Because I have been writing about the past, it is probably no surprise that I have been living in the past. And let me add that this is not a pleasant place to be. The present being more enjoyable. Not to mention easier to connect with. And full of infinitely more possibilities. And it’s not just writing that has had me in the past. Age must do that, or something like it. After all, the bulk of that thing called life is infinitely behind me. What’s ahead is relatively slim. Which doesn’t Read more [...]