
Do I dare to eat a peach? That, my friends is, and always has been, the essential question. And the answer, of course, is no. Don’t fucking do it. That way lies madness. It also lies downhill as all madness does, which is why I went wheelchairing down the lower slopes of Twin Peaks this very mid-day, ostensibly in search of groceries, but actually in search of life. As everyone knows, there simply isn’t enough about. Why this is remains unclear. But that’s the general lay of the COVID-19 land. Read more [...]


Once my morning physiotherapy was complete, that is to say, the weights, the exercycle, the walking along the terrace rail…I was ready to roll down the hill to Cup. There to interact with the ever affable Sam and his wife, whose name whose name I should know by now, but I simply can’t remember. And there I was with my usual. Cappuccino. And peanut butter and jam on Dave’s bread. And Dave, if you wanted to know, assuages the conscience of us liberals by being a guy who emerged from prison and Read more [...]

Greenhouse Gas

I was in my greenhouse this very morning, watering away when a certain mishap occurred with a hose, a wheelchair and God knows what else. In any case, the watering of plants in a greenhouse is not without precedent, so this does not require an elaborate description. Still, a meticulous account of things might reveal exactly how the ridiculous occurred. But, damned if I’m not digressing. Or, more accurately deflecting. It was a small thing that revealed a big thing. OK? Ready for the big news? My Read more [...]


Jane has said that she thinks it is inevitable that one of us will get COVID-19. Interestingly, I do not share in this pessimistic assessment. For once, I come down on the benefit-of-the-doubt side of things. Rightly or wrongly, I assume that one can get through this episode of pandemic 1.2  without catching the disease in question. Why I can’t say. Faith, perhaps. Or a determination to get out and do things with a reasonable level of risk. After all, my whole life is about that. Recently, Read more [...]


Jane has said that she thinks it is inevitable that one of us will get COVID-19. Interestingly, I do not share in this pessimistic assessment. For once, I come down on the benefit-of-the-doubt side of things. Rightly or wrongly, I assume that one can get through this pandemic without catching the disease in question. Why I can’t say. Faith, perhaps. Or a determination to get out and do things with a reasonable level of risk. After all, my whole life is about that. Recently, with both knees giving Read more [...]

Hoffer Street

Life imprisons everyone. I tell myself this very thing several times a week, because I forget it almost daily. And it’s an important part of our background circumstance as humans. For example, whenever I think of the less fortunate, people who are deprived of rights or opportunity or money or all of the above…I also recall that most of these people can move their bodies. They can wander down the hallway, up the hallway, and do whatever they want. I, of course can’t. And this does need to be Read more [...]