Rain Dance

Oh, the weather outside is frightful…but inside my head it's frightful too. So let it snow. Or more accurately, let it rain. And it is, after six months of ominous drought. In this realm, Jane and I experience frequent conflict, vis-à-vis optimism versus pessimism. The absence of precipitation signals, for me, the heat death of the planet. But, of course, as with most things, the meteorological signals are mixed. The current forecast is, more or less, 40 days and 40 nights…or in a more Read more [...]


Apologies, gentle reader, for my lapses in the blogosphere. Where have I been? Not far. In fact, as close as one can get to blogging, vis-à-vis, writing. The book. I am working diligently to finish the damn book. Of course, I have been a place or two. The San Francisco office of the California Department of Motor Vehicles being the latest. I was there twice. First, to attempt to get a new driving permit and a thing called a Real ID. The latter is either a manifestation of the security state Read more [...]


The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. I have never run this one by my Episcopal wife but would value her views. I mean the whole thing smacks of the obvious. Why not say "God is a rip off artist" and be done with it? I can only describe it as profound disappointment, my recent experience with driving. Yes, this is a tiresome and prevailing theme of my blog. But really, just when I seemed to be on a neuromuscular roll, dammed if the deistic powers that be didn't, you know, taketh away. Being Read more [...]